What is Property Insurance in Nigeria? - Onlineworld.ng
Real estate

What is Property Insurance in Nigeria?

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
September 19, 2023
Real estate
What is Property Insurance in Nigeria?


What is Property Insurance in Nigeria?

Like in many other parts of the world, property and home insurance is becoming increasingly common in Nigeria. This is due to people's growing awareness of the risks associated with property ownership, such as the possibility of theft or natural disasters. But what does Nigerian property insurance cover? What kinds of policies are frequently associated with this form of protection, and what makes house insurance special? Let's analyze it.

What is Property Insurance in Nigeria?

Whether it be a residential, commercial, or industrial sector, property insurance in Nigeria offers financial support if something happens to your property. It covers many incidents, including theft, vandalism, floods, and fires. Although it is not legally required in Nigeria, persons who own major properties are strongly encouraged to do so.

What is the Meaning of House Insurance?

Let's examine house insurance in more detail. This kind of property insurance is geared towards safeguarding your main dwelling. It shields homeowners against the costs associated with unforeseen occurrences like theft, damage, or natural disasters. It typically includes the building and the contents, including furniture, equipment, and valuables.

What is the Policy of Property Insurance?

A few key things to remember regarding property insurance are:

  • Discount: You must pay this amount out of pocket before your insurance starts to pay.

  • Premiums: These are the continuing costs for maintaining your insurance, which are often paid monthly or yearly.

  • Coverage Restrictions: These are the limits on how much money your insurance company will give you if you make a claim.

  • Exclusions: These are some situations where your insurance won't help you. For instance, certain policies won't cover flood damage unless you pay a premium.

  • Liability Insurance: If someone is hurt on your property, some property insurance plans might also provide coverage for you.

  • Recommendations: Add these as optional extras to your insurance, such as additional flood coverage or protection for pricey valuables like jewels.

  • Claim Settlement: Your policy will specify the procedures you must follow and the documents you need to submit a claim.

Since they outline what is and is not covered, it is crucial to comprehend these terms and conditions. Therefore, read the tiny print, have questions answered, and seek professional assistance when shopping for home or property insurance in Nigeria. By doing so, you may customize your coverage to meet your requirements and make sure that your valuables are sufficiently protected.


In conclusion, property and home insurance in Nigeria act as safety nets against unforeseen events that could cause significant losses. The best approach to protect your future is to purchase comprehensive insurance, given the multiple risks of property ownership.

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Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria