How to Start a Coaching Business in Nigeria -
Business Lifestyle

How to Start a Coaching Business in Nigeria

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
August 25, 2023
How to Start a Coaching Business in Nigeria


How to Start a Coaching Business in Nigeria

Nigeria's dynamic entrepreneurial landscape is becoming a more favorable environment for business coaching. Prospective coaches need to know the nuances if they want to take advantage of this market. This article provides step-by-step guidance on how to start your coaching business in Nigeria and answers some frequently asked questions.

How Much Should a Business Coach Charge?

Like many other places, Nigeria is no exception regarding the difficulty of setting prices. Start by assessing your level of experience and the special value you offer. It could be tempting for new trainers to charge less, maybe NGN 20,000 to NGN 50,000 for each session, to attract more clients. Professionals with years of experience and a solid reputation could command NGN 150,000 to NGN 500,000.

Don't, however, base your rates exclusively on expertise. Think about the value you provide and the going rates in the industry. To find out what potential customers could be willing to spend, survey them or have casual conversations with them. Also, keep in mind that you can modify your charges in accordance with the growth of your customer and the number of testimonials you receive.

What Will a Business Coach Do?

Businesses have difficulties no matter where they are located—in the bustling center of Lagos or the rural areas of Calabar. A Nigerian business coach does the following:

1. Assists in Setting Goals: Coaches help business owners identify and accomplish goals, from broadening their market reach to boosting sales.


2. Plans Strategically: Coaches assist in creating plans specific to Nigerian organizations by drawing on their understanding of the local market.


3. Evaluates Performance: Consistent feedback guarantees that the company stays on course and quickly resolves areas of concern.


4. Develops Skills: Coaches provide entrepreneurs with the skills they need to succeed in the Nigerian market through workshops and one-on-one sessions.


5. Ensures Accountability: A coach ensures companies stick to the plans and objectives.

What is the Difference Between Business Coaching and Business Mentoring?

Although they significantly impact a company's development, business coaches and mentors are different.

1. Scope & Method: Coaching is frequently a goal-oriented, short-term engagement that deals with pressing issues. On the other hand, mentoring is a more sustained commitment that emphasizes both individual and company growth.


2. The Character of a Relationship: There is a set procedure for coaching, with prearranged meetings and specific goals. More naturally, mentoring changes to meet the mentee's increasing needs.


3. Area of Focus: Coaches address certain business issues and offer best practice-based solutions. Mentors give advice rather than answers by sharing their own experiences and perspectives.


4. Compensation: While mentoring can be a more casual, frequently unpaid relationship developed through mutual respect and shared experiences, coaching is a professional service that is usually paid.


Starting a coaching career in Nigeria necessitates a unique combination of business savvy, cultural awareness, and a sincere desire to change lives. Effective strategy and a thorough grasp of the Nigerian market are essential for making business tutoring in Nigeria a successful and rewarding endeavor.

Blog authors

Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria