How to Save Money in Nigeria as a Student -
Finance Lifestyle

How to Save Money in Nigeria as a Student

Sodiq J. Sodiq J.
July 10, 2023
How to Save Money in Nigeria as a Student


How to Save Money in Nigeria as a Student

It can be difficult to manage your money as a student in Nigeria, but developing wise financial practices from an early age is crucial. With these wise financial tips outlined in this article, you can successfully manage your student life. These tips will help you save money and use your resources effectively.

1. Make a Spending Plan

Start by making a budget to get your money-saving quest off to a strong start. List your sources of income, such as allowances or part-time work. Then, group your outgoing costs, such as tuition, living expenses, food, and transportation. 

Also, set aside definite sums for each category and commit to strictly adhering to your spending plan.

2. Prioritise Your Spending

It's critical to distinguish between needs and wants for your budget to function well. Consider paying for tuition and textbooks before less-important purchases. By developing this mindset, you can make wise financial decisions and make sure your money is spent on the things that matter most.

3. Prepare Your Food

Another way to save money in Nigeria as a student is to prepare food. Eating out can quickly deplete your budget, so choose to prepare your meals at home and pack lunches for school instead. 

Also, making your food allows you to adopt healthy eating habits while saving money. To make cooking more practical and economical, organize your meals in advance.

4. Take Public Transport

Using public transport is less expensive than taxis or private vehicles. So, spend less on transport by taking the bus or train to work. Also, consider the possibility of carpooling with other students to split gas costs and lessen the cost of commuting.

5. Reduce Leisure Expenditures

While entertainment is important, there are cost-effective alternatives to pricey events. Plan movie nights at your house, participate in campus activities, or join clubs and societies that provide free or inexpensive entertainment. You may have a great time and keep within your budget by accepting these choices.

6. Buy Old Textbooks or Share With Peers

Although textbooks can be pricey, there are alternatives to reduce this necessary investment. You can get used books or borrow from seniors or friends who have taken the same courses. Other alternatives include books from the library and online resources. Investigate these possibilities if you want to lower your textbook costs dramatically.

7. Take Advantage of Student Discounts

Another way to save money in Nigeria as a student is to use the many student discounts. Businesses often offer discounts on food, clothing, entertainment, and other items. Wherever you go, always have your student ID card with you and ask if any discounts are offered. Even though each of these saves may not seem like much, over time, they can add up to a sizable sum.


Learning to save money as a student in Nigeria is a skill that will be useful to you long after you graduate from college. By adhering to these useful guidelines, you may successfully manage your finances and provide a solid foundation for a safe financial future. Remember that every bit of savings counts, and your dedication to making sensible financial decisions will eventually pay off.

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Sodiq J.
Sodiq J.
successful businesses start with small steps but big ideas and I find great pleasure in putting into context and wordings profitable and feasible business ideas and agricultural practices in nigeria